Spring Wish List
Most Needed Items

Not Sure What To Get? We LOVE Gift Cards! They will help us where we need it the most!

Tractor Supply Gift Cards

Chewy Gift Cards

Amazon Gift Cards

Digital Gift Cards can be sent to erin@tinyhooves.org

Our Mailing address is:

Tiny Hooves Sanctuary
1117 N. Britton Road
Union Grive, WI 53182

Our Wish Lists


Amazon Wish List

You can easily send items for our animal family and daily operational needs directly to the sanctuary! This is the perfect way to support our mission.


Tractor Supply Wish List

A huge part of our fundraising is to feed our farm family!

The majority of our feed and feed supplies are purchased through our local Tractor Supply Company store. These items can be ordered and shipped directly to our farm through their website, or they can be ordered for pickup at our store location, and we will gladly pick up donated items and feed. Our local store is Burlington, WI.

Chewy Wish List

That’s right! Chewy now has a wish list option, and we have one. In addition to the items you would expect chewy also has items for pigs, goats, horses, waterfowl and more. Lionel says that’s great news and you should send some treats his way!