How did Tiny Hooves Sanctuary begin?
Tiny Hooves Sanctuary was founded in 2015 by Beca Thompson. The sanctuary originally was located on a 3 acre farm property in Kenosha, WI, with only 11 animals. Our mission when we began was T.H.R.I.V.E. - Tiny Hooves Rescue, Inc. Values Everyone. We planned to promote compassion towards farmed animals and highlight their individuality, while rescuing them from abuse, abandonment, and neglect.

How have we grown?
The original goal of founding the sanctuary was to help goats in need of rescue, and then that quickly turned into a larger vision once we really discovered how many homeless, abused, and neglected farmed animals there are. With Beca’s years of experience with dozens of species of animals, we were able to intake other species of farmed animals and provide them with the care necessary and needed. Although our initial mission was just to rescue farmed animals, our mission has transitioned into not only a farmed animal rescue and sanctuary, but also an educational resource for the public on the animal agriculture industry, veganism, animal individuality, compassion to all, and kindness.
In December of 2018, we relocated to a 33 acre farm in Union Grove, WI. A foundation secured this property for us, after we were able to make sure it would it fit our then current needs, as well as our future needs. This property has a 30 stall barn and a 12 acre hay field. We now grow and harvest our own hay each year, saving us thousands of dollars. Every animal resident here has safe housing, indoor and outdoor, as well as appropriately sized pastures and aviaries. We are always upgrading the facility - new fencing, new structures, etc.
We offer multiple options for educational tours on the weekends during the warmer Wisconsin months. These journeys take you through how we started and what we do, and includes meet and greets with our residents, while learning their individual history, and also providing farmed animal and animal agriculture education.
In 2019 we changed our name from Tiny Hooves Rescue to Tiny Hooves Sanctuary to better promote who we are and what we do exclusively, which is to provide forever sanctuary to those we take in.

What goals have we accomplished?
Relocated to a larger, more comfortable and user friendly farm property
Grown from 11 animal residents to currently 167 animal residents
Assisted in the rescue of over 300 animals
Started a volunteer program that has grown from just one volunteer in 2016 to over 50 regular daily volunteers and currently hundreds of other tasked volunteers
Began educational tours in 2017
Table educational events, markets, and expos
Created an organic vegetable garden and the beginning of a small fruit orchard to self sustain our animal residents’ produce diets
Partnered with local businesses and organizations for volunteer workdays and volunteer hours for employment
Developed wonderful working relationships with 5 veterinarian clinics that help us care for our residents
Made connections within our community to support local vegetable and crop farmers
Have started making strides to be a more eco-friendly organization which includes - transferring all paperwork to online software, changing cleaners and detergents to eco-friendly brands, and recycling at the farm.

What are our future goals?
Increasing our public engagement with farmed animal and vegan education
Continually adding to our garden to promote more self sustainability
Create an educational site on our grounds
Gain corporate sponsors
Secure an emergency fund
Build up our Board of Directors with those that can help us further our mission
Build new shelters and new fencing to place our residents into more ideal living spaces
Install solar panels to provide electricity to our pasture shelters which will power fans as well as heating implements when necessary
Founding additional locations