Sage and his friend Rosemary were part of a police eviction case, where there were 15 farm animals being severely neglected in deplorable conditions. There was garbage all over the place, with old buildings surrounded by glass and rusty metal on the ground. These two goats were not fenced in nor fed properly, and were consistently visiting neighborhood yards, hungry. The people were illegally living on the property, and once removed from the premises, the animals were turned over to the county animal control. They were transferred to the Hooved Animal Humane Society for hold, as the shelters could not accommodate them. We were contacted in May 2021, and were able to bring them home to us for forever sanctuary. Sage is super playful and silly, and is learning quickly that he loves scratches and people. His favorite things in life so far are animal crackers and fresh hay!
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• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
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• Sponsorship Certificate
• Photo of your Sponsored Animal
• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
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• Monthly text updates with photos!