Lily came home to Tiny Hooves in the Spring of 2022. She was part of an animal seizure in a neglect case in Wisconsin. Lily had never seen the outdoors and had been trapped in a filthy, dark basement her entire life. She was morbidly obese and unhealthy, with no social skills. With healthy food, clean bedding, and socializing from our volunteer team, Lily has learned to thrive in sanctuary! She has made friends with Penelope and spends her warm days lounging out in the sunshine and swimming pool, and her cold days snuggled up in bed with blankets and warm straw. She’s a lovely pig to know, and it’s been an honor watching her get used to being spoiled!
**Please do your research before you welcome a pig into your family. Pigs are complex animals. Even when you do everything just right, you can lose your pig friend due to zoning laws**

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Month Sponsor
• Sponsorship Certificate
• Photo of your Sponsored Animal
• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
• Our E-mail Newsletter
Year Sponsor
• Sponsorship Certificate
• Photo of your Sponsored Animal
• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
• Our E-mail Newsletter
• Monthly text updates and photos!