George came to Tiny Hooves in September 2015 with his friend Gracie the mini horse. Their previous person had passed away and they were left with no home and no caretaker. A neighbor took them under her care as a foster mom, until they found sanctuary with us. George is a comical character, full of spunk and joy! He loves posing for photos, trying to take your phone out of your pocket, and just being silly. His very best friend is Jackson, and you can often find the two picking on each other and running about the pasture. George has some disabilities in his legs, and he requires special farrier care every few months. This doesn’t stop him from running around, though! George loves baby carrots, apple slices, and pumpkins!

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Month Sponsor
• Sponsorship Certificate
• Photo of your Sponsored Animal
• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
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Year Sponsor
• Sponsorship Certificate
• Photo of your Sponsored Animal
• One Tiny Hooves Sticker
• Our E-mail Newsletter
• Monthly text updates and photos!