Ferdinand arrived to Tiny Hooves in 2022. He was saved from slaughter by his previous person, who also saved our residents Binky and Paco from ever ending up in harms way. He is the father of both of them, and though they spent 2 years apart, when we introduced Ferdinand to the herd, they were so very excited to see him again and spent hours playing and cleaning each other. Ferdinand was a breeding bull his first 7 years of life, but he is now a steer (neutered) and can safely live within our herd for the rest of his life! Cows can live into their twenties and we are looking forward to a long time with our big gentle giant. Ferdinand is quite polite, very handsome, and loves his family - biological and chosen. Momma Midge has taken a liking to him, and you can find her cleaning him to keep him looking good! Ferdinand absolutely lives for bananas!

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