First Name
Last Name
What is your preferred pronoun?
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Do you correspond with text messaging?
Driver's License # and state
Social Security Number
Please list any health conditions that may affect your work, including any head, neck, back, joint, or heart issues
Current Occupation/Employer
company name, contact number, contact name
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?
If yes, please explain:
Please list two business, education, or volunteer-related references (name, contact info, relation)
Why do you feel you would be a good fit as an animal care worker at Tiny Hooves Sanctuary?
Do you have any animal care experience? If so, please explain.
Is there anything additional you would like us to know or be aware of?
A liability release form must be signed before any work begins. Do you accept these terms?
Please confirm that you are available for our set schedule and are able to complete the above mentioned job duties
Yes, I confirm
I certify that the information provided on this application is truthful and accurate. I understand that providing false or misleading information will be the basis for rejection of my application, or if employment commences, immediate termination. I authorize Tiny Hooves Rescue, INC. to contact former employers and educational institutions regarding my employment and educational history. I authorize my former employers and educational institutions to fully and freely communicate information regarding my previous employment and education. I understand that this position is “at-will”, indicating that the relationship will be entirely voluntary in nature, and either I or Tiny Hooves Rescue, INC. may terminate the contract at any time and without cause. Moreover, no agent, representative, or contractor of Tiny Hooves Rescue, INC., except in a specific written contract of employment signed on behalf of the organization by its president Beca Thompson, has the power to alter or vary the voluntary nature of the employment relationship. I have carefully read the above certification and I understand and agree to its terms.
I agree
I don't agree
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number