Ben is a mini-mule that was rescued in July 2019. He was left alone in a pasture in the back of the property with 8 goats. Through our last rough Wisconsin winter, all 8 of Ben's friends died, and Ben was all alone. A wonderful woman took it upon herself to help Ben. She and her husband hauled water buckets back to him daily in the acres of snow and cold, so that Ben had water to drink. They bought him hay so he could eat. They provided him with shelter. Ben had none of this prior. His previous "caretaker" just left him to fend for himself. By the time we were made aware of the situation, it was the dead of July heat, and the bugs were eating him alive. With a ton of patience, love, compassion, and of course treats, we were able to coax Ben into our trailer and bring him home. Ben was essentially feral, he didn’t have any human social skills. Through our time with him, he now will take treats from our hands and let us give him scratches. Ben really loves fresh hay and peppermint horse cookies!

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